Yoga for Flexibility

Cultivate flexibility in both body and mind with this 16 min practice so that you can be available and open for life’s tasks and opportunities with more ease and joy.

Stretch your body, ground your energy, let go of stress and Find What Feels Good.

Let me now how you are feeling down below!

45 comments on “Yoga for Flexibility”

Jaffa Light says:

Dear Adriene, I found your youtube channel some months back and since then, with the exception of a handful of days, start every morning with one of your practices.
It's a revelation!
Best wishes from Tel Aviv

Maria says: I love you. Dan Murphy says:

A - I just love your home workouts. I started in October and have only missed a handful of workouts since. When I started, I could not touch my toes or perform most of the yoga poses But this old piece of wood (56 years old) kept showing up on the mat (like you suggest) and this old tree started bending just a bit everyday. I still struggle with many of the poses but that is not why I keep showing up. I show up because it makes me feel good. It’s just good stuff for my mind, body and spirit.
Moriah, my wife, met you recently in Austin for your public workout. Thanks for taking a photo with her. It made our day. We would love for you to come to Florida. I have an event in August that would be ideal.
Thanks again for inserting a bit of flexibility in my body and a bunch of openness to my mind. Dan Murphy.

Kimberly says:

Hi Dan, What part of Florida are you in and I agree with you - it would be wonderful to have Adrienne visit. I am in NE FLorida currently.

Nancy Gray says:

Oh such a sweet blessing for these old bones and joints and muscles. not to mention the inflexible mind stuff! Thank you Adriene! Namaste

Trish says:

Loved this, just as I love everything you do! I invite you into my living room every morning (and some evenings) and wish you namaste after each practice is complete. You have literally changed my world over the past four years or so as I come to know and accept and challenge and ENJOY my body!

Marta says:

Love ALL you do! Thank you so much for doing this, you have not idea how much you have changed my life for GOOD! This is exactly what I need, more flexibility in my legs, it’s a challenge to do some of the poses, because I feel I am not flexible enough in my legs, but I will get there with your help 🙂

Ana says: God bless YOU ! YOU are so kind and gifted ! Love from Romania ! Lori says: Wonderful practice! Katie Roger says:

This slow, meditative practice was just what I needed this morning! Thank you thank you from one tired Brooklyn mama!

Christine Vuletich says:

Hi Adriene Thanks for this video. Got my husband to join me this morning and he really needed it!
Have been showing up every morning also, since last summer, and feel so much better. Started due to back problems, which have really improved, but like you say, it is all connected, and my body and spirit are so much better for doing yoga. Really enjoy your approach, humor, and your assistant, Benji! Thanks again, for all that you do - it is making a very positive difference in people's lives. Your friends in the High Sierras.

Nishi says: This is just what I needed today, Adriene. Thank you. Annie says:

Hi Adriene, I began doing Yoga Revolution one year ago and continued doing your at home videos without missing a beat. You are a gifted teacher and I am an ardent follower. Your 30 day practices changed my approach to many things - not just my body but how I navigate the daily journey. Thank you.

Desiree Bucknor says:

Good Morning Adriene, such a treat to be able to get on my mat this morning. Love love love the stretching segments and was able to feel how tight I was and to loosen up and find that space; I feel great, thank you! May you and yours have a blessed week. Namaste

Guinnieboy says:

I love your videos and find you so inspiring. You are so comfortable in yourself, and in front of the camera, making it all look very easy. 🙂
Om Shanti

Jessie Hope says:

Hi YWA community! This flexibility flow is awesome. I started my journey with yoga many years ago and have tried some YWA sparingly throughout the last few years. Recently, I've integrated a daily YWA practice and I am so thrilled with the results. The body in which I reside is no longer bound or constricted by debilitating pain, and my movements flow with ease and grace. I am honored to be involved with all of the wonderful people whose lives are touched by Adriene all over this realm, because I know that we share a similar journey of self discovery and self love/care that is necessary for the evolution of consciousness. I just want to say that you are all loved and admired for your bravery- all the way from the middle of nowhere. (Mojave Desert)

Alana says:

You’re so amazing! I love how you make yoga light and laidback for everyone. Also LOVE your sense of humor, you’re my kind. 🙂 Thanks for being a kickass yogi. I’m so glad my husband found your vids for me. Greetings from right here in Austin!

Normajeane says:

Hi.friend Uk. In summer time.
Clocks. Spring forward. 1 hour
So. When. Your call came
I was a bit space out
Sure you was saying. Get. That
Your a blessing. I followed
Not only lost weight. Got fit

Mary Jane Caputi says: Thank you Adriene! Namaste, you have not idea how much you have changed my life for GOOD! Susan says:

I really enjoyed today's practice. I put it on and did it. It made such a difference. And as a self-love coach, I really loved your sweatshirt. 😉

Normajeane. says:

Hi Lovely to meet today. On the mat
I was. A bit. Not. Together when. Your
Mail pop up. With. UK. Clocks
Forward. 1 hr. But it's always
Worth. Every minute your yoga
Blessings. Me. In every way
LoL. Xxxxx

Maria says:

Thank you so much for being there and doing this, you have no idea how much your videos are helping me. Your smile, words and attitude are really an example to follow. NAMASTE¡

Reginald Amor says:

Another great practice. If I miss a few days on the mat, I seem to become so inflexible. I so needed this practice today! Thank you Adriene. You are amazing!

Zhem says:

Thank you graciously for this video - it arrives a day after I have struck up a few sequences of my own - which I know you would appreciate. I am in the midst of one of your 30-day sets - the yoga revolution set - and taking a short hiatus from the steadfast day-to-day to see if I still do yoga without a video, and YES, I do - and it is very much part of my life now - and decided to peek at my e-mail, half-heartedly expecting another sweet invitation into the bigger circle of your YWA community of subscribers (I will join as soon as my landscaping practice has me back in the flow!), and here it is - just what I need. Yoga for flexibility. Lovely, just perfectly lovely. Thank you so much Adriene. Namaste ~ Zhem

Eliza says:

I'm in my 4th year of practicing with you. I started when I was 17, it really helped me through school and exam times and ive continued since then. I have you to thank for a deeper understanding of my body and a connection with my mind, body, emotions and actions. I feel the improvement in my energy when i practice and if i miss a day I dont feel right at all, then some prananyama and an uthanasana, or wide legged forward fold can cure me. I sometimes crave longer more challenging practices to couple with your lovely practices, so I go to floating yoga school. The reason I come back to you is for your positivity, thoughtfulness and love for yoga. I have shared my experience of yoga with so many people, I am trying to spread the love like you. From North Yorkshire x

Maggie says: thanks again Adriene. I've missed a week and really needed that today. thanks again.. Mary Alice says: Thank you for this short practice and for sharing your wishes for openness among all. I am a fan! Joanne Crowe says:

I have been doing yoga with you since January 1st and love it. I have turned my husband onto your yoga as well. Today our dog, Gus decided he would relax upstairs with my husband as he did his yoga. You even help Gus, our dog. Thanks for sharing these free videos. It is time for me to purchase a subscription. I really never thought I would love yoga but i sure do. Thanks

Joanne Crowe says:

wanted to include a picture of Gus laying on the mat but could not . just envision a big black dog laying next to my husband on the mat..

Pam says:

Adriene, you have changed my day, my relationship with myself and my body, and the way I view yoga. I don't know how you do it girl! Magic, I suppose 😉
Someone mentioned they would have the perfect event in FL for you to come to. I second that! I too would love to have you come to FL. Thanks for being a gem!

Loucif Sami says:

Hey Adriene,
Thanks so much for everything, you are my morning companion.
I just wanted to know what’s the point in subscribing to FWFG since all the videos are available on Youtube ?

Paige says: This is exactly what i needed today! Thanks Adriene! Namaste! Connie says:

Thank you for all that you do. Adriene = Awesomeness. Namaste Connie = Awesomeness. due to Adriene's great classes

Malin says: At home sick with some fever. I signed in today and have run to of your classes now. Just love them! caroline gregory says: Thank you Adriene! You are a goddess! Katrin Hertzberg says:

Thanks for the wonderful relaxing Yoga-Lession. Now I will go to the stable and have a relaxed and concentrated ride. By the way, my riding trainer is very excited about my progerss through regular training with you ore callanetics, I use to mix it and I see that I come to train at least 4 days a week.

vesna says: Namaste, lovely Texas girl !! Debra Baker says:

Dear Adriene, Yesterday was my daughter's sixteenth birthday, and we decided to book a rock climbing trip just the two of us. I did it for her, but I was completely petrified leading up to the trip-- don't like heights-- have never even been on a rock climbing wall, etc. When I was ready to give up not very far off the ground, I pictured you in my mind and focused on what I have learned about myself by practicing yoga with you. I took deep breaths and imagined myself as someone who is braver than I felt, braver than I usually am. I stood there and, as best as I could, I did the tree pose, breathing, breathing, breathing. I reached the top of the climb! That was a really big deal for this soon-to-be-fifty-year-old woman. Thank you. Debra Baker

Aleks says:

Awesome energy and thoughtful sequences aside, just your vocabulary makes me happy!
"Inhale lots of love in. " Florence HUGOUNENC says:

After doing a week of detox practice + some extra others from the youtube channel that just felt good, I decided to go for a week of flexibility. After 3 days, the magic operating, came the 1st flexibility effect : I went on the Internet and ordered myself my first real yoga mat - I've been doing yoga for years with camp mats, or a small sheepskin rug which just flet gorgeous on a cold, very cold tiled floor. So my 1st yoga mat, totally sustainable made of natural latex and hemp, that will end its life in due time in a compost. Second flexibility wonder-effect : I ordered it and asked for a little note to be added in the package : " Joyeux anniversaire! Namasté." And since it was shipped in 24 hours it got here just in time for my find-what-feels-good-birthday. With the little note from myself to myself. ( and also a little spelt seeds meditation cushion).That was last week flexibility wonder. I'm not talking about my swollen calves after a long day standing up which just loved this practice so much ! Gracefully and gratefully part of the community, _^_

Karen Penney says:

Hey Adriene, I have been practicing with your videos for the past two years in the comfort of my home. Recently my partner has been joining in on his very own yoga mat. He trains with weights and has been having many issues with his shoulder. Since he has started his practice, he has had no shoulder pains and continues to go deeper into his practice. He loves your videos and wanted me to tell you that you are the Bob Ross of yoga. No truer words have been spoken. Namaste,
Karen and Gabriel

Tessa says:

Adriene, you're solid gold. Thanks for helping me and my enthusiastic but busy mind and active body ease into every day to set a more calm pace. Love from Rotterdam, the Netherlands! (How about a Europe trip some time?)