Real HCG Plus Drops

HCG Plus drops are the Web's Only Real HCG drops, containing an effective dosage of 150-200 IUs per day, HCG Plus has the most HCG of any product on the market by far. Avoid homeopathic or hormone-free HCG, as these contain none of the actual hormone.

Benefits of HCG Plus

100% Real HCG Drops Offer Benefits Far Beyond Homeopathic Products

Clinical Real HCG Dosage

Clinical Real HCG Dosage

Doctors recommend 150-200 IUs/day of real HCG while on the diet. HCG Plus provides this or more. completely pain-free! All you have to do is take our one of a kind hcg drops every day.

Only Uses Natural HCG

Only Uses Natural HCG

HCG Drops Plus only uses 100% natural HCG. It's the same high level powders used in clinical settings for injections or oral drops given by doctors. It's pure, and natural, and follows the protocol.

B-12 to Improve Results

B-12 to Improve Results

Vitamin B-12, B-complex, high levels of HCG, along with a few other preservatives are all that's in HCG Plus. B-12 improves HCG uptake and increases metabolism naturally.

Our 60 to 120 Day Protocols

Not Only Do We Offer Real, Pure HCG but the Lowest Prices Anywhere!

60 Day Package

For Losing 20 lbs or More

120 Day Package

For Losing 35 lbs or More

2-120 Day Packages

Lose 35+ lbs for TWO!

One of Our Biggest Success Stories

Within the last 7 months I have purchased 4 of HCG Plus' 2 person 120 day hcg drops packages, both for myself and for friends. I have so far lost 100 lbs from 4 regimens using HCG Plus! All that's required is to follow the program and you'll succeed. We all love HCG Plus!

- HCG Plus User

See What Our Customers Have to Say

After Over 100,000 Previous Customers We've Had a Lot of Success Stories


I started HCG Plus in early 2013. I've lost 63.2 lbs. in 18 weeks on hcg plus and the VLCD. Feeling AWESOME! Thanks HCG Plus for helping make this happen! I've had so much success on the HCG diet.

HCG Plus User


After using HCG Plus for around 20 weeks I've lost over 70 pounds! I still have plans to do one more 24 day program to lose the rest..but I am very pleased . THANK YOU HCG

HCG Plus User


I was skeptical that HCG would work for me like everyone claimed. But I tried it anyway and am so happy did! On my first round I lost 27LBS using HCG diet drops from HCG plus.

HCG Plus User


"I used HCG Plus now for 27 days in phase two. I've lost 25.4 pounds as of this morning! It's been absolutely fantastic. I'm not even hungry and am having issues eating the amount of calories prescribed by the diet, so I'm often substituting in other less filling foods. This diet's changed my life. I've already reached my weight loss goal, and am going to push for even more weight loss."

HCG Plus User


"I used HCG Plus from 2013 to 2014. I lost over 60 pounds within the first 12 weeks on the diet (doing two regimens). I haven't felt this healthy and energetic in years! My HCG diet drops from HCG plus are the real deal."

HCG Plus User


I started using HCG Plus' real HCG drops last year. I lost 10 pounds within my first week, which was far more than I expected. I was using it as part of my weight training regimen, and it's been a huge help in that regard as well. I dropped 35 pounds of fat in the first month of use and put on 15 pounds of muscle. I cannot recommend HCG Plus enough!

HCG Plus User

How Does the HCG Diet Work?

Weight loss treatments that many people choose are often fads, without a shred of scientific evidence for their use. Contrary to this trend, the diet plan known as the “HCG protocol” has been around for over 50 years with volumes of scientific support verifying its effectiveness. All inquiry into the HCG diet has shown it to be a highly effective weight loss method. HCG, which stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, is a natural hormone produced by women during their monthly cycles (or pregnancy). It can be artificially cultivated in lab settings, and has been used for decades as a hormone treatment for weight loss. HCG targets the problems that are often present which prevent people from losing weight. Many of these are things that individuals cannot change (such as genetics or body chemistry), but this hormone will actually reset them back to their normal, healthy levels.

The human body will actually slow down its metabolism, a result of long-term trait dominance in human beings, to prevent rapid weight loss of stored food. However, in a modern society, this is definitely not what we need. While most attempts to address these issues target only the symptoms of the disease, HCG acts in a completely distinct way. This hormone will actual boost the body’s hypothalamus, allowing it to regulate the metabolism of the body and keep it active even when dieting.Scientists have known for decades that the brain’s hypothalamus gland actually regulates the body directly, both it’s appetite and metabolism. However, it’s been mystery what to do with this knowledge.

Though this particular part of the brain can be a help in losing weight, it can also be the person’s greatest enemy. They will frequently not be able to lose weight over the long term once their metabolism begins to slow down. Once calories are burned up from stored fat, the brain will send signals to the body to reduce its metabolism and increase appetite to compensate. The HCG hormone (found in our real hcg drops at clinical levels) is the only substance known to exist that can directly counteract these effects at the biochemical level. Users of this hormone on average will lose 20 to 30 pounds of fat within a single regimen.

Follow up regimens, as part of the program, have also proven to be very successful. Regardless of an individual’s overall health, or any chronic problems they face, they will typically succeed on the HCG diet. Users with problems such as diabetes or hypothyroidism have demonstrated good success on the HCG protocol. It’s really important to succeed on the diet, but so many times people are only selling fake products. It happens in a lot of cases that suppliers only offer homeopathic HCG diet drops, which typically never contains a single molecule of the actual hormone. In order to succeed, it’s a requirement to purchase only pure, real HCG as this the only way you’ll know for sure that the product contains enough of the hormone to work.

The Basic Tenants of the HCG Diet Drops Plan

While it’s true that the HCG diet drops protocol is the most powerful weight loss treatment in the world, it requires adherence to a diet method. Fundamental to the method is its requirement to intake at least 150 IUs of HCG every day, along with a diet protocol outlined either by Dr. Simeons or modern weight loss specialists (fortunately, HCG Plus Drops includes comprehensive guides with all orders). We recommend in our guides and information what’s called the modern approach, or 700 calories per day allowing many fruits/vegetables and protein choices. Dr. Simeons designed the original protocol around a lower 500 calorie per day method, but this has changed a lot in modern times. On this new method, most people lose 20-30 pounds within a single regimen, just like on the original method. This occurs thanks to the excellent metabolism and appetite benefits of the HCG hormone.

We try to offer a lot of tips and recipes on weight loss for our customers that they cannot find anywhere else. Although the program itself is relatively simple, it offers outstanding success for users. These features of the hormone, along with the general diet, allow people to shed more than 4 times as much total weight as dieting alone. However, it’s important to remember that only real hcg drops can offer these great benefits. Using real HCG drops helps people lose this weight, and that’s an imperative part of the protocol. However, both men and women can use this method and achieve success.

Non-Homeopathic, Real HCG Drops vs. Homeopathic

When you first encounter oral HCG in the market, you may only find homeopathic or “hormone-free” products being sold. They may claim that they’re just as effective as the real thing, but this is completely untrue. Although they often claim they contain the hormone, tests on them show they contain no measurable amounts of HCG. The term used, homeopathic, actually means that their HCG diet drops product has so little of the hormone that it’s not even measurable at all. Taking these products is no different than going on a diet solo, without the help of this proven treatment whatsoever. In numerous studies which have been conducted over the years, one thing is clear, those taking the placebo and dieting on their own lost only around 25% what the HCG users did. There is no appreciable difference between homeopathic HCG diet drops and placebos. After a person stops the diet down the road, the weight will also come back extremely rapidly that they did lose. Only the real hormone can prevent these consequences from occurring.

When you compare these fakes to non-homeopathic and real hcg drops, you will notice that the results are far superior. These products like HCG Plus provide the same high levels of HCG you’d receive from a clinical treatment via injections. It’s now possible to achieve these great results with over-the-counter treatments instead of expensive injection regimens and doctor visits. At this time there is only one actual oral droplet product which provides users with pure HCG, and that’s HCG Drops Plus. There may be others from foreign countries out there, but none of them can be trusted for purity and safety. HCG Drops Plus is made in the USA and contains clinical dosages of the hormone. It’s an unfortunate reality that many people still fall victim to these fakes out there, whether they’re homeopathic or otherwise. Oral HCG drops can provide the same great results as injections in many cases. The drops are placed under the user’s tongue and held there for at least 30 seconds, and taken around 3 times per day. This way it’s absorbed directly into the bloodstream via the soft tissue lining underneath the tongue. Studies have shown that this is the best way for people to take daily HCG with HCG drops, but as we’ve discussed, it’s still very important to ensure the product’s the real hormone. One of the easiest ways to identify homeopathic or fake hormone products is if the label states “1x, 2x, 4x” or something similar. This is a sure sign of a fake product. In reality, these measurements don’t actually mean anything and are not a valid way to measure the hormone. The product should also say real, or non-homeopathic on the label. The only thing that actually works and produces results are non-homeopathic hcg drops (or injections of course).